About us
Our aim is to foster the translation of research in perinatal and maternal mental health into better care and outcomes for women and their families wherever they live. This acknowledges the extensive evidence that better mental health in the perinatal period can have a dramatic impact on outcomes for mothers, partners, children, families and society.
Increase international knowledge, awareness and action on maternal mental health, including its pivotal role in child development; the scale of the human and economic costs; and the evidence-based solutions
Encourage and inform the development of national and regional maternal mental health alliances throughout the world
Advocate for all countries to develop national policies on maternal mental health
Inspire investment in evidence-based services and programmes, as well as further research into the causes, prevention, impact and treatment of perinatal mental illness where needed
Ensure the voice of women with experience of maternal mental health problems is central to all the above
Initial GAMMH Activities
Develop a global maternal mental health website showcasing key policy papers, resources, a maternal mental health map and personal testimonies from women and families around the world
Seek to highlight the economic costs (in a global context) of maternal mental health problems
Produce an annual global maternal mental health briefing paper
Encourage and inform the development of national maternal mental health alliances
International (more than one country) organisations, or national alliances of organisations that collectively use their influence and efforts to produce change on the ground for women and their families through:
Promotion of shared goals and vision on maternal mental health
Easier international collaborative work at all levels
Ensuring greater impact together than the sum of individual organisational efforts
Mutual learning and capacity to predict and respond to opportunities
Using the membership of GAMMH to enhance their own influence
Contribution of members
It is not necessary to contribute financially. There is no joining fee
Member organisations agree to support the above vision and aim by participating in collaborative efforts to further GAMMH’s objectives; the extent of this involvement is dependent on members’ own capacity.
Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health Members
Dr Alain Gregoire
Dr Alain Gregoire initially began his postgraduate training in obstetrics, but on seeing that women with perinatal mental illness were the most ill yet least well cared for, he switched to train in Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry and Maudsley Hospital in London. For the past 30 years he has been a Consultant Specialist Perinatal Psychiatrist, during which time he has set up and led multiple specialist perinatal mental health services, and won UK Hospital Doctor of the year and RCPsych Team of the Year awards. He was a member of the NICE Guideline Development Group for Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health, and has contributed extensively to the development of policy, strategy, guidance and clinical services in the area of parental and infant mental health in the UK and abroad. He was the founder and is President of the UK Maternal Mental Health Alliance, a coalition of over 120 national organisations committed to improving maternal mental health care and outcomes for mothers and their infants, and which has successfully campaigned for over £1bn new government funding for perinatal mental health services across the UK. He works as an advisor to the Princess of Wales, who recently became MMHA patron. He founded the Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health, which has similar aims worldwide, with over 25 international member organisations, and has informed the development of successful alliances in many other countries and world regions. Alain has worked extensively in radio, television and film, including the multiple award winning BBC documentary ‘My Baby Psychosis and Me’, and is a presenter for the multiple award winning BBC TV programme ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’.

Dr Clare Dolman
Dr Clare Dolman is a journalist and researcher whose PhD focused on women with bipolar disorder’s decision-making regarding pregnancy and childbirth. She is an Ambassador for Bipolar UK and Co-chair of the Bipolar Commission. She is also Patient and Public Involvement Lead for the Women’s Mental Health Section at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College, London and lectures on the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ training courses for perinatal psychiatrists. Clare, who has bipolar disorder and suffered a postpartum psychosis after the birth of one of her children, is a trustee of the charities MMHA: Maternal Mental Health Alliance , APP - Action on Postpartum Psychosis and GAMMH : Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health.

Dr Tatiana Taylor
Dr Tatiana Taylor Salisbury is a UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellow, Deputy Director of the Centre for Global Mental Health, and Co-Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health at King's College London. Her research blends human-centred design, systems thinking and implementation science to actively engage communities in the development of scalable and sustainable solutions to positively transform their health, wealth, and relationships. Her fellowship focuses on improving mental health outcomes in Kenyan and Mozambican adolescents during pregnancy and the year after birth through co-design with local communities (https://www.designinmh.com/). She provides technical expertise to the WHO and was an author of the WHO Guide for the integration of perinatal mental health into maternal and child health services published in September 2022 (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240057142).

Dr Lavinia Lamu
Dr Lavinia Lumu is a prominent perinatal psychiatrist based in Johannesburg, South Africa. She spearheads a pro bono maternal mental health clinic at the Rahima Moosa Mother and Child Hospital, Johannesburg and is an Honorary lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand's Department of Psychiatry. Dr Lumu is currently the President of the International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health and will be hosting the next biennial conference at Capetown, South Africa in September 2026.

Dr Annette Bauer
Dr Annette Bauer is Assistant Professor at the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Her research on the economic impacts in the perinatal mental health area and on the return on investment are having major impacts in policy, practice and research nationally and globally, and is Research Excellence Framework Impact Case Study for LSE. Findings of the report on the ‘Costs of perinatal mental health problems’ underpin government decisions to increase public spending in this area in the UK; methodologies have been replicated and findings are used to inform decision-making in many countries. Annette frequently speaks at conferences and meetings about the economic evidence in perinatal mental health, including at All-Party Parliamentary Groups, the Marce Society conference, European Parliament and European Union funded COST action network (RISE-UP PPD).

GAMMH Steering Group
Dr Prabha S Chandra
Professor of Psychiatry and Dean
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences
Bangalore, India
Jane Fisher AO, PhD, MAPS, FCCLP, FCHP
Finkel Professor of Global Health
Co-Director Division of Planetary Health
Director Global and Women’s Health
Past President International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health
Professor Vivette Glover
Imperial College London
Professor Simone Honikman
Founding Director, Perinatal Mental Health Project. https://pmhp.za.org/
Raquib Ibrahim
CEO, Mellow Parenting
Barbara Jayson MBE
Founder, The Foundation for Mother & Child Health
Professor Jeannette Milgrom
Professor of Psychology, University of Melbourne
Executive Director of the Parent‐Infant Research Institute (PIRI),
Adjunct Professor, School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University
Professor Campbell Paul
Consultant Infant & Child Psychiatrist, Royal Children’s Hospital
Honorary Principal Fellow, University of Melbourne
Dr Sarah Sananès
Strasbourg University Hospital, France
Dr Robert C Stewart
University of Edinburgh
Dr Pascual Palau Subiela, Specialist in Clinical Psychology.